Expert planning and nutrition for peak performance

  • An icon of a clipboard and checklist to show expert guidance

    Personalised calorie plans tailored to your needs

  • An icon of a pair of hands holding a safety shield icon to show safety and preparedness

    Exclusive discounts on premium expedition food

  • An icon of a watch to show cost and time saving

    Convenient doorstep delivery of your meal packages

PROUDLY Working with


Feeling overwhelmed about how to get the best nutrition for the best performance for your next adventure? Don't let nutrition be an afterthought.

At Victory Adventures, we understand the pivotal role food plays in achieving success on your expedition.

Our Adventure Nutrition service is meticulously crafted, ensuring you embark on your journey well-prepared and properly fuelled.

GET EXPERT Nutrition Planning and Tailored Meal Packages for Optimal Energy and Performance

Fuel your adventure

Fuel your adventure

Proper fuelling is essential for success on your expedition. Victory Adventures is dedicated to ensuring you are well-prepared, energised, and ready to conquer your adventure with expertly planned and tailored meal packages.


Expertly Planned Nutrition and Tailored Meal Packages TO YOUR DOORSTEP

Personalised Calorie Planning:

Say goodbye to generic, one-size-fits-all solutions. Victory Adventures collaborate closely with you, considering your dietary preferences, activity levels, and adventure-specific demands to design a bespoke calorie plan that maximises your performance, well-being and morale.


Through our partnership with Base Camp Food, we secure exclusive discounts on premium freeze-dried and dehydrated meals and snacks, ensuring you don't compromise on quality or taste, maximising variety to reduce menu fatigue, all while keeping costs manageable.

Unparalleled Convenience:

Bid farewell to the hassle of sourcing, packing, and transporting your adventure meals. We handle the logistics, delivering your tailored nutrition solutions directly to your doorstep, allowing you to focus solely on your adventure knowing you have the fuel you need.


Adventure Nutrition

Fuel Your Adventure Right (£150)

Master your nutrition for peak performance. This workshop tailors a plan to your specific adventure, covering calorie needs, dietary restrictions, and maximising energy.
Get exclusive discounts on Base Camp freeze-dried meals and even bigger savings when bundled with our Expedition Blueprint Workshop

Focus on the adventure, we'll handle the nutrition.


  • An icon of a clipboard and checklist to show expert guidance

    Book a Call

    We will have a quick, no obligation call to discuss the expedition, the team, understand the requirements and explain the process. We can organise a pre workshop taster box to help make better informed decisions for the main order and then we will schedule a Workshop.

  • An icon of a watch to show cost and time saving


    We begin by understanding your unique adventure goals, dietary preferences, and any expedition specific requirements or restrictions. This lays the foundation for a tailored nutrition plan. We will also discuss the importance and benefits of getting your nutrition plan right on expedition, food as fuel, effects on morale and maintaining food discipline.

  • An icon of a pair of hands holding a safety shield icon to show safety and preparedness

    Meal Plan Creation

    Drawing upon our extensive knowledge and the premium offerings from Base Camp Food, we craft a meticulously designed calorie plan that optimises your energy levels, recovery, and overall well-being throughout your expedition. We create the order and submit it to Base Camp Food for delivery to your chosen address.

Client Testimonials


WE CAN Maximise your adventure budget through strategic partnerships

While the value of a well-executed expedition is priceless, Victory Adventures offers competitive pricing structures tailored to your specific needs.

By leveraging strategic partnerships with industry leaders like Range Global Services and Base Camp Food, you can access cost-effective solutions without compromising quality or expertise.

Hi, I Am Fraser Mowlem

As the Founder of Victory Adventures, I combine over 23 years of military discipline from my time in the Royal Air Force with extensive first-hand extreme adventure experience.

This unique blend allows me to position myself as an expert for anyone planning challenging expeditions. With numerous endurance events under my belt, I provide practical, effective guidance tailored specifically to meet the needs of adventurers and explorers, ensuring they can tackle new challenges safely and successfully.


  • Absolutely! Our meal plans are fully customisable to accommodate various dietary needs, including vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and any specific food allergies or intolerances you may have.

  • We recommend booking at least 8-12 weeks before your expedition to allow ample time for planning, sourcing, and any necessary adjustments.

  • We can build a taster box order with a full spread of manufacturers and flavours to do a taste test before you buy in bulk. Get in touch for details.

  • We would love to help you with food for your trip. Get in touch for a free, no-pressure chat. We can suggest perfect options from our Base Camp Food range to make any adventure delicious and hassle-free. Our aim is to enhance every outdoor experience, big or small!

Don't let inadequate nutrition derail your adventure. GET the right fuel in your tank.

Without proper fuelling, even the most meticulously planned expedition can unravel, leaving you exhausted, depleted, and potentially in harm's way.

Victory Adventures' adventure nutrition package gives you the confidence that every calorie, meal and snack bar, has been thoughtfully considered to get you to the finish line. Book a call today.